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<标题>tiffany outlet store

 She answered, that if the thumbs of the tiffany and co outlet operator were pressed upon the palms of her hands, the effect christian louboutin sale would be immediately produced   and also that if the operator pressed his hands upon her shoulders four successive times, she would be restored to her natural state. Experiments were accordingly afterwards tried, and always succeeded. In her tiffany outlet tiffany & co outlet w, aking or natural state, this patient is totally unconscious of every thing which occurs in her sleep-waking or ecstatic states. If, after several hours of this state of delirium, she is tiffany jewelry outlet restored to her natural tiffany outlet state and interrogated as to the time she came into the room, she is only conscious of having lately entered it  tiffany & co outlet and she is utterly ignorant of the persons with whom she had christian louboutin outlet been tiffany outlet but recently in conversation. Her sense of hearing, tiffany and co outlet in the delirious state, is unimpaired so far, Schedule as regards the loudness of sound, but she loses all judgment as to its direction  thus, for instance, if Dr.

 Elliotson or Mr. Wood-with whom she is very familiar, and to tiffany and co outlet each of whom she is affectionately attached - speak, she will hear and recognise them  but tiffany jewelry outlet will be quite unable to discover what part of the room they are in. If she is told that they are in the pocket of a person who happens to be opposite to her, she believes it, and straightway tiffany and co outlet commences a search. On one occasion tiffany & co outlet she was assured that Dr. Elliotson, who was standing beside her and speaking o her, was inclosed in the glass of a gentleman's spectacles who tiffany jewelry outlet sat opposite to her, and she straight set about, with the tiffany jewelry outlet utmost anxiety, to pick the physician out of the glass.

 She loses, in this state also, much of the judgment and sense derived from experience  she will believe, for example, that her mother is a man, or any other absurdity of the kind  nevertheless, at any christian louboutin shoes time, she can, by single christian louboutin discount manipulation,, be restored in a few seconds to the full possession of her senses, and be invested with that amiable character and appearance which we have described at the commencement of this statement. It has been supposed tiffany outlet by some tiffany & co outlet persons who have devoted attention to animal magnetism, that the intention or will of the operator is essential to the production of the phenomena.

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