原文章发表时间:2010/3/18 |
<标题>Just as nothing ... ------------------------------------------------------ |
<内容> Gestrest? Are your shoulders finalised? Or do you have a lot of headaches? With this 5 massages you will see that smell in your sheet:GHD Styler Rare from Hot Stone massage to Japanese Face-lift. Text: ? Marjan Hopman did you know a massage is much more than just relaxed? How about you, for example, increased immuunfunctie,fake designer handbags doorbloeding, or even better a tighter skin? Massagetherapeute and schoonheidsspecialiste Julie Berben of Health Centre Santé Magic in Leuven, the secrets of 5 effective massage exposed methods.
Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy What it is: Julie Berben: 'Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy is a very intense, deep massage which violated. Creates the therapeut slow, soft and sliding movements over the whole body.GHD Precious Gift Set It is a technique that was developed a few years ago by the American Ruthie Piper Hardee. Due to the fact that the massage therapeut is constructed on a stage over the massage table, in certain areas of the body more pressure. " What does the: 'Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy gives an even deeper relaxation massages than others.purses and handbags This technique works very well with low rugklachten, adhering neck and shoulders, and transmitting pain from the billen to the legs. Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy is also very suitable for a novice hernia (not with one that already exists) and ideally nervous knellingen, because there is more space between the vertebrae. For whom is a highly recommended: "when a lot of stress. But, in fact, all this kind of massage something. Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy is a spiritual event for massage therapeut and clients. "
Voetreflexologie: what is it that says "this stress-busting voetmassage the entire body dealt with through the reflex zones in the feet. The therapeut feels to where in the body muscles up which body is overloaded. This places can to masseren energy blockades to be lifted and the health restored. " What does the: 'Voetreflexologie ontspant the body and brings it back into balance. For example, the self-healing and immunity have been increased. As a result, physical complaints if headache, blaasontstekingen and digestive complaints decrease or disappear. The effect is, however, personally: a highly voetreflexologie stops and the other is not at all. " For whom is a highly recommended: "when a total body massage is not like or too strong on stops."
Hot Stone massage What it is: "this is an ancient form of healing, whereby soft, warm basalts tiles on your spine. These stones keep the heat for a long time. Thermal stresses the need for deep in the muscles, which allow you to very quickly ontspant. After that, your whole body with hot oil and gemasseerd with the smooth, warm stones. " What does the: "this treatment in an attempt to alleviate tense muscles, painful joints, stress and a tired mind. The warm stones on your back, give you a very happy, relaxed feeling. " For whom is a highly recommended: "very tired or gestrest, or the quick cold. Even if you're after a massage often filled with myalgia, Hot Stone massage is a very suitable. Because this treatment of the wastes to be disposed of even faster, you have less burden of painful muscles. A Hot Stone massage, however, is that if you are already a lot of heat in your body, such as opvliegers or nachtzweten in the transition or menopause. "
Zen Shiatsu: what is it that says "Shiatsu is around gemasseerd and no clothes oil is used. The therapeut feels like a first in the hara (belly) which organs and meridianen too much or too little energy, and where the energy is a sudden setback. On the basis of the meridianen and acupressuurpunten gemasseerd. There is also the body gestretcht. " What does the: 'Blokkades in the body can be resolved, so it can restore its original balance. As a result, rugklachten, digestive problems, headache, stress and fatigue. " For whom is a highly recommended: "when your idea by this firm massage method or do not want to be exposed to gemasseerd."
Japanese Face massage (kobido massage) what is the ' facial massage is an ancient Japanese ritual. Displays the superficial and deep muscle layers of your face, neck and main muscles. Also, the acupuncture points in your face with light pressure gemasseerd. Due to the fact that all these points, reflex zones are to other bodies, this facial massage also works on the whole body. Finally, lymfedrainage city in toxic substances be disposed of. " What does the ' Japanese Facelift or kobido massage has a liftend effect. The skin is more closely and you'll get a better doorbloeding to the face, you are really quite look right. But this facial massage is, above all, very relaxing. You are physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually in balance. " |
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