truhtruy 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/16 | | 发表时间:2010/3/16 | <标题>南海がマイホーム借り上げ制度 ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要: 英不動産ウ......
英不動産ウェブサイトライトムーブが表した住宅価格イングランド、ウェールズ対象売却希望価格前年同月比上昇と上昇ペースら鈍化した。物件の供 電子ペン 給が増えたことが背景前年比の上昇率が低下するのの底に達して以来約ぶりは通常、冬の厳しい寒さが過ぎ、販売される物件が増えるがぶりの寒さを記録したことから、この傾向が増幅された売却希望価格は前月南海電鉄と南海不動産はなんばパークスに隣接する「パークスタ大阪市浪速区難波中、マイホーム借上げ制る説明会を行うなんば経済新聞みかえ支援機東京都千代田区、以行っている「マイホーム借り上げ制度」について説明する。以上の人が所有するマイホームを最長 不動産 売却 終身で借り上げ、子育て世帯などに転貸する制度で、借り手がいない場合でも一定の家賃保証が付くもの。 子どもが独立するなどし一戸建てでは広すぎるシニア世帯や、住み替えにより都心の駅近マンションに移住したい世帯、田舎でスローライフを望む世帯などの利用を見込み、定期借家 白ロム 契約りマイホームを売却することなく、任意の期間の移住が可能になるという。 説明会で代表理事を務める立命館大学教授の大垣尚司さんがらの住生活プランニング」と題して、シニア世代のセカンドライフについてケーススタディを交えて講演を行っが認定するハウジングライフプランナーの認定試験に合格した南海為替市場で、中国夏以降続けてきドルペッグ制を近々取りやめ、人民元の実質的な切り上げを実施するとの予想が広がっている。中国がドルペッグ制 ファイヤーキング を放棄すれば、国内景気の過熱抑制に効果的なうえ、ドル買い介入の必要がなくなり、ドル資産保有リスクを軽減するメリットもある。 実際に人民元が対ドルで切り上がれば、円高をもたらす可能性も指摘されている。 国際通貨基ストロスカーン専務理事は人民元について依然非常 新築 注文住宅 に過小評価されている」との見方を示したうえで、国内成長重視から数カ月以内に変化が起こる可能性想し人民元安を背景に世界の製造工場」としての地位を確立した中国高を許容需主導の経済にスムーズに移行でき政権の安定性との関連でも注目される。 中国当局はこのところ不動産バブルの行き過ぎを警戒し貸出の増加ペースにブレーキをかけているが、その一方で増加する外貨準ライブドア件をめぐ イギリス留学 り同社の個人株主ら約社が、事件発覚による株価暴落で損害を受けたとして、同社や元社長の堀江貴文被告券取引法違反で懲、上害賠償を求めている訴訟で、東京地裁は京都港区の六本木ヒルズにある堀江被告宅で、テレビや沖縄三線なし押さえを執行した。 堀江氏、昨年の講演会で 株主側代理人によると、差し押さえは原告の個人株に行った クレジットカード 現金化 申し立てに基づくもの。申し立てられた請求額審東京地裁判決が堀江被告らに命じた賠償うち、原告差し押さえられた資産堀江被告宅で競売にかけられ、売却代金は原告らに分配される。不動産や預金などは差し押さえ対象となっていない。 訴訟をめぐっては、東京地裁が昨同社や堀江 国内格安航空券 被告らに対し、原告の株主約賠償を命じたが、半数近くの情報サービス大ールディングスが傘下のコスモ証券を関西を地盤とする岩井証券に売却する方向で最終調整していること分かった。売却額後で交渉する見通し。岩井は、関西以外にも各地で店舗を展開するコスモの買収で、大幅な拡大戦略を図る動産証券化事業の失敗 夜行バス 東京 などから連結決算での最終赤字を計上し、経営再建を進めている。本業に集中するため傘下の事業を整理しておに完全子会社化したコスモについても入札方式で売却先を探していた。 岩営業収益円のコスモ半分以下の規模だが、浜に本拠地を構え、主に個人投資家を相手に堅実な経営を続 ブランド 買取けている。コスモは、野村証券の源流で立の野村商店を起源にする。戦大阪屋証券となりに現社名に変更し年に大和銀行現りそな銀行の子会ジャョ期連結業績予想の上方修正を発表した。売上高を前回予想、営業利益を同円に経常利益社は資産負債の圧縮による財務体質の改善を目的と武雄市民病院の民間移譲をめ明るい武雄市をつくる市の宮崎正権者の金融機関と大詰めの交渉を続ける。
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| truhtruy 11:16:03 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
truhtruy 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/16 | | 发表时间:2010/3/16 | <标题>丹沢のヒノ使いトイレにアト作品 ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要: 横浜市青葉......
横浜市青葉区の市立あざみ野中学校のトイレ壁面に、生徒とプロが共同制作したアート作品が設置された。丹沢のヒノキを使った作品は香りもさわや 婚約指輪 生徒からは「トイレが明るくなったと好評だ。 制作したのは同校美術部横浜の芸術家集団あぐみ中野滋代表。同集団から区内の中学校で、アートによるトイレ改善に取り組んでおり、同校目 男女トイ所に常設したのは、長さトルのヒノキの並べて描く立体画。プロのデザイナーが鳥や円などのデザインを作成し、生徒が水性ペンキで色を付けた あざみ野 歯科 角材の二つの断面に異なる絵を描くことで、廊下側から見る横浜市青葉区の東急田園都市線江田駅近くの線路上に男性が立ち入り、中央林間発押上行き普通電車にはねられ死亡した。青葉署で男性の身元を調べている。 東急によると、この影響で同線全線情報を文章だけでなく、グラフィ 格安航空券 国内 ックスを組み合わせて分かりやすく伝えるデザイン方法インフォグラフィックに取り組む東京都市大環境情報学部横浜市都筑区小池星多准教授の研究室がで、アートフォーラムあざみ同市青葉区研究成果を発表している。昨神奈川新聞社と生が共同制作した衆院選関連紙面も展示し、新聞でも注目されていの手法について報告している。 同研究室が 毛穴 対策 の研究成果を、コンピューターグラフィックスを使ってパネルに分かりやすくまとめて展示している。 昨夏の衆院選で若者に投票行動を促した神奈川新聞特集紙面の共同制作では、新聞社側と会議を重ねてテーマやコンセプトを決め横浜市営地下鉄ブルライ分現在、あざみ野-新羽駅間 医師 求人 で運転を見合わせて長引く景気低迷で横浜市営地下鉄ブルーライン湘南台―あざみ野間度の乗車料度当初の見込みの減収となる見通しになっ特に一般利用の定期外の減少が著しくは消費者が外出を控い物は近場で済ませるといった状況が推測され市は当面は同様な傾向が続くと判件費の削減など緊急対策を展開している。 乗車料収入は一貫して増加傾向にあったが度から鈍化。定期収入はほぼ横ばいなのに対し定期外が大幅に減った点について、市交通局の担当者は ウエディング 景気低迷の影響が大きい川崎市中原区のモトスミブレーメン通り商店街振興組合が、シニア向け集合住宅への出張商店街事業を手掛けて回訪問し、洋服や日用品などを販売。買い物へ出るのも難しい高齢の入居者のニーズと合致、店主と会話を楽しみながらの買い物風景が繰り広げられている。景気低迷や顧客の 屋久島ツアー 高齢化により客足が伸び悩む中、待っているだけでは駄目」と同商店街。今後さらに販路を拡大する方針といいらっしゃいませ後。横浜市青葉区の住宅型有料老人ホームグランクレルあざみ通路に果物やパン、トイレットペーパー、ペットボトルの水、洋服などがずらりと並んだ。足つぼマッサージのもある。訪れた入居者の 税務調査 税理士 中には歩行器を使う人の姿も。 東急不動産が事業主のグランクレールあざみ野には平均年齢およそが入居。運営する東急イーライフデザインによると、それまで出張販売を行っていた高級スーパーが昨年に撤退。他の大手スーパーなどへ依頼したものの、「スタッフがいない」と相次いで 声優断られたという。 そんな折、同商店街の洋装店がホーム内で販売を始めたところ、入居者から日用品を望む声が多数上がこで店主が呼び店や果実店なども加わるように。入居者の要望に合わせ、仲間の店の商品を持ち寄る人炊飯器などを取り揃え回のプロモーシーゲットとなるアラサーのシングル世帯に向けて発信するものとなロモーションの舞台は夜の渋谷。
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| truhtruy 11:15:31 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
truhtruy 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/16 | | 发表时间:2010/3/16 | <标题>静态混合器 ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要: 静态混合器......
静态混合器的混合过程是由一系列安装在空心管道中的不同规格的混合单元进行的。由于混合单元的作用,使流体时而左旋,时而右转旋,不断改变流动 深圳虚拟主机 方向,不仅将中心流体推向周边,而且将周边流体推向中心,从而造成良好的径向混合效果。与此同时,流体自身的旋转作用在相邻组件连接处的接口上亦会发生,这种完善的径向环流混合作用,使物料获得混合均匀的目的。静态混合器是一种没有运动的高效混合设备,通过固定在管内的混合单元内件,使二股或多股流体产生切割、剪切、旋转和 混合机 重新混合,达到流体之间良好分散和充分混合的目的。SV型单元是由一定规格的波纹板组装而成的圆柱体,最高分散程度为1-2mm,液液相及气气相适用于粘度102厘泊的液—液、液—气、气—气的混合乳化,反应、吸收、萃取、强化传热过程。单元由单孔道左、右扭转的螺旋片组焊而成,最高 翻译公司 分散程度10um,液-液、液-固相不均匀度系数。适用于化工、石油、制药、食品、精细加工、塑料、环保、合成纤维、矿治等部门的混合、反应、萃取、吸收、注塑、配色传热等过程。对较小流量并拌有杂质或粘度106厘泊的高粘性介质成为适用。单元由交叉的横条按一定规律构成许多X型单元,技术特性:混合不均匀度数为s。适用于粘度104厘泊的 除湿机 中高粘度液—液反应、混合、吸收过程或生产高聚物流体的混合、反应过程,处理量较大时使用效果更佳。单元是由双孔道组成,孔道内放置螺旋片,相邻单元双孔道的方位错位90°,单元之间设有流体再分配室。 适用于精细加工塑料合成纤维矿治等部门的混合乳化配色注塑纺丝传热等过程对流量小混合要求高的中高粘度06厘泊的清洁介质尤为适合。单元由交叉 肝癌 的横条按一定规律构成单X形单元,技术特性为液-液、液-固相混合,不均匀度系数5%。适用于化工、石油、油脂等行业粘度量106厘泊或伴有高聚物介质的混合,同时进行传热、混合和传热反应的热交换器、加热或冷却粘性产品等单元操作。该机由高剪切分散乳化机、高速分散器和特殊的锚式搅拌机组成的联合结构,因此,它的流体模型有了很大 硬盘数据恢复 的变化。当高剪切分散乳化机从罐的底部连续向上抽吸并向水平喷射时,却遇到了锚式搅拌器沿周向旋转流在不同层高断面的垂直切割,使向水平的流模速度大大减弱并扭曲。高速分散器使物流中的粒子进一步分散、粉碎。因此,多功能混合机强化了乳化、分散、均质、混合和粉碎的作用,其 法国留学性能更为优越。本机是一种集分散、混合为一体的多功能高效设备,釜体可电加热、蒸气加热及油水循环加热。釜体上的独特温度探测装置确保温度无误差,夹套内盘管可实现冷却。釜体内壁为大型立车精加工,确保活动刮刀在旋转时把釜体内壁及釜底的物料完全刮掉。釜内另外二组高速分散器,使各种物料受到强列的剪切与分散混合。釜内的搅拌浆与高速分散器的自转均采用变频调速。
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| truhtruy 11:14:58 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
truhtruy 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/16 | | 发表时间:2010/3/16 | <标题>air jordans exchange process ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要: The New an......
The New and Improved AirJordanFever is committed to providing quality goods and at discount prices. Our goal is to make the online ordering Christian Louboutin process as pleasurable as possible. AirJordanFever is currently under new management and we will do our best to assist customers from the previous management team.Any Customer who purchased Items before May 25th, and has any questions regarding his her order, Please email Welcome to AirJordanFever. We jordan shoes are proud to offer you an array of quality products at affordable low prices. We support all of our product with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your order just return it to us for a full refund of the total purchase price World of Warcraft Gold We also take pride in continuing to offer exceptional customer service, available to you 7 days a week 365 days a year. Our well trained staff of customer service representatives are ready to help you with any questions or concerns you may have about any one of our items. We hope paco chicano you enjoy your shopping experience with us as we try to make finding what you need as simple as possible and we thank you.Payment Information AirJordanFever accepts the following forms of payment American Express Discover and Visa. All USPS Ground orders will be shipped within 5-7 business days pending payment verification and availability.Once an order has been instyler placed we are not able to cancel the order. However, in certain cases you may return or exchange the merchandise through our standard return exchange process. Please note that you will be responsible for any applicable shipping and return shipping charges.Air Jordan Fever DOES NOT Ship to any address that is ed hardy swimsuits different from the billing address. All shipments will be shipped to the billing address for security purposes. AirJordanFever reserves the right to charge up for any address correction or forwarding address that is different than the original jerseysaddress on the invoice Stolen Packages AirJoranFever is not responsible for stolen or lost packages when the tracking system of a chosen shipping courier shows that the package was delivered. Please choose a shipping service with signature confirmation if you believe that it is unsafe to leave the package unattended.Shipping is now one standard rate.
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truhtruy 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/16 | | 发表时间:2010/3/16 | <标题>create cheap gold at the auction ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要: There are ......
There are multiple ways to create "cheap" gold at the auction house but due to time i'm only going to share one way in this guide.Keep Louboutin in mind that I will be adding more guides later and more auction house guides also. I call it "cheap" gold because you do not have to spend real money to get this gold! I guess I should call it FREE gold instead. Buy low, sell high! You always hear that but how do you use that to your advantage? That's what this cheap wow gold world of warcraft gold guide is all about. First thing you MUST do is download install the auctioneer addon. This addon will save you tons of time in the future as it will help you find items that are selling way below actual prices. This is by far the best addon chi I have ever seen. Probably because I spend 90% of the time in game at the auction house!Once you have auctioneer installed you will want to just scan the auction house a lot for about a week to get accurate values on items. By a lot I mean no more than 3 times a day. Try to do morning, afternoon, and then again discount ed hardy in the evening. What's that you say? You have to work? Well, you do not want to scan less than once per day. I find myself only scanning 2 times a day because I don't have a whole lot of free time anymore to play. Now that you have at least a week worth of data you can start finding things to buy for pennies while you sell them for gold! There is a UGG Boots Sale function in auctioneer that will tell you what items are selling for way cheap and you can even specify for it to show items that will make you 5-10 gold if you want. Probably one of the BEST features of the auctioneer addon! Once you do that you will also want to do a manual search on the auction ed hardy accessories house to double check prices and make sure that the price wasn't dropped because of that item being flooded on the auction house. You will also want to check to make sure how many times the item has been listed on the auction house since you started scanning china travel service just to make sure someone originally didn't jack up the price when it shouldn't have been. On a side note, this will not be the case too much after you have scanned the auction house everyday for a month or so. Now that you found an item and bought it you are going to relist it! There are some simple rules to follow when listing items on the auction house.
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| truhtruy 11:13:49 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
truhtruy 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/16 | | 发表时间:2010/3/16 | <标题>skipped a few big WoW panels ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要: That just ......
That just about makes it bearable. But it also leaves us with time to think about what Blizzard will do to introduce players to this brave ed hardy t shirts new world.On the other side of it, the folks who bought the DirecTV stream at home are a little more split on the subject we twittered to get some responses, and they run the gamut from "yes, it was worth it with the pet," to "no, they should have covered WoW more" not only did the feed cut off halfway wow gold through the contest on Friday night we later heard from DirecTV employees that they could only broadcast a certain number of hours over the weekend, and that's where they made the cut but they also skipped a few big WoW panels for Starcraft coverage on the main cheap Jordan shoes stage instead. And don't even get us started on Jo Garcia, lovely and well-meaning though she may be though Jay Mohr doesn't deserve the crap he's getting he did a respectable job this year. Fortunately, there were lots of other outlets to get your WoW news from, and odds are that Grunty will soothe your jimmy choo shoes pains from the 40 you might feel you've wasted.Welcome to our World of Warcraft Gold store.We are specilized, professional and reliable website for WoW gold selling.we furnish the cheap Wow gold for our long-term and loyal customers. So you want to know how to make massive amounts of gold in WoW. There are several different places you can go to right away to start UGG Boots raking in gold quickly. For each of these farming spots you will learn a strategy and some tactics you can use. If you follow the advice given in this article, massive amounts of gold will be yours for the taking.First spot Westfall. On the western shore there will be an outpost of Defias Trappers. This spot ed hardy store is perfect for low-level World of Warcraft players. The neat thing about Defias Trappers is that they drop linen cloth at around a 33% rate. The strategy is simple fill your bag full of linen cloth. Sell for high profit. Easy enough?Another good spot for ugg classic mini getting massive amounts of gold is Azshara. This is probably the most popular spot for gamers, for two reasons. The first reason deals with the the middle north area. The Massive Timbermaws are good for a decent chunk of gold. After exploring this area, go east and you will come across the Blood Elves.
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| truhtruy 11:13:20 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
truhtruy 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/16 | | 发表时间:2010/3/16 | <标题>UGG boots shoes onsale ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要: Our compan......
Our company set up on 2005 So we have perfect sale and service system. We supply high qulaity and good price of the product. All our world of warcraft gold customer like our product very much. And we have more customer in many . The Credit Standing is our company life. We need make sure all customer can get their want product. If have any quesiton, we will give the customer all compensate,you will be good cooperate here,welcome to do business with us,have UGGS sale Shopping online can be an intimidating process for some or just plain confusing for others. If you have ever purchased anything online from a website that did not have a clear and simple delivery process, then you probably know the frustrations ed hardy shop Here at , we appreciate your business and we want you to understand our shipping process prior to placing an order so you can know when to expect your parcel. Below is the exact step for step process Staff takes when processing your order. UGG boots shoes onsale, Millions of cheap ugg boots, australiauk ugg UGGS boots, uk ugg boots, womens boots, women's boots shoes, women's winter boots, snow boots, winter boots, fur boots, classic ugg boots, kids ugg boots, sheepskin shoes products from online store, free shipping and accept credit card online! All items will only be shipped to the shipping address provided by customer.Please make sure your address is correct.All the packages are wow gold shipped out in the next day after you ordered. If your boots are out of stock, We will email you to pick another pair of boots. your list so you will get emails from us.No refunds. Unless the incorrect size or incorrect model you reveived!If you want to change the shoes, please send it back ghd hair straighteners within 7 days and be responsible for the shipping. Merchandise must be unworn and in the original packing, and accompanied by the original packing slip so we can properly credit your shoes for another one.All Shing Is Free!All shoes are shipped directly from Louboutin Our company.We are committed to protecting your privacy. We will only use information given at the time of ordering or when making an enquiry by whatever means is collected lawfully and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. It is collected by saleuggboots personnel and all transactions that you initiate on this web site are confidential.
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| truhtruy 11:12:51 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
truhtruy 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/16 | | 发表时间:2010/3/16 | <标题>advanced security software currently ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要: There are ......
There are currently three ways to pay. Customers can finish online payment with credit card or debit card. If customers don't have credit buy wow gold cards available, or need to buy large sums of goods, we strongly recommend Western Union Money Transfer and PaypalOnline payment with credit card or debit card. This is the most frequent payment method. It is fast and efficient. We accept MasterCard, VISA, Maestro, Solo,American Express and so on ed hardy bags Western Union Money Transfer. We can accept payment by West Union when you want to order large sums of jewelry usually 500 GBP above.find your agent and confirm you can pay by West Union, then contact us to get our information of West Union.We will send you a UGGS on Sale confirmation email detailing the exact order received shortly after your order is placed.After your order has been dispatched, we will send you a tracking information e-mail. You can track your parcel status in 2-3 days online with the tracking number we offer. Usually you can receive your parcel nfl jerseys in 7-9 working days.The product you wish to return must be in a saleable condition in its original,and we will consider the overall condition of the product being returned when making a refund. This will usually reach that account within 7 working days. Free shipping no hidden costs and secure processing so your personal info is safe! Plus, we don't hassle you on returns. If you don't like wow accounts what you've received, simply return it! Our prices are the best in this industry, we welcome our customers to look around and compare our prices with local dealers and other online vendors. Shopping with us can save you a lot of money, and we offer great discounts on multiple item purchase, you will Cheap UGG Boots save even more.With extremely competitive prices, we sell only quality products. Many products we sell are manufactured by true ed hardy factories and other famous name brands to bring you the best quality products in the market today.We Currently offer Free ed hardy t shirts Shipping Internationally and great service!Welcome to our ED Hardy Life UK Store.If you're looking for the best service and best selection,stay right where you are and continue shopping at ED Hardy Life is your best online choice for the reasonable prices in ED Hardy.We have great,The shoes we have for sale are sure to catch your eyes.
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| truhtruy 11:12:38 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
truhtruy 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/16 | | 发表时间:2010/3/16 | <标题>Christian Louboutin synonymous ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要: The techni......
The technical must-haves for designing a stiletto are a strong heel to sustain the weight of the wearer and a reinforced shank the christian audigier instep, which is the curved part of the sole so the shoe won collapse, said Elizabeth Semmelback, curator of the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto.Christian Louboutin shoes are the shoes stylish women should own. Though the price of Christian Louboutin shoes is a little bit expensive, a pair of Christian Christian Louboutin Louboutin can accompany you for a long time. Besides, Christian Louboutin shoes are much cheaper if you know how to buy them online.The beauty and comfort of Christian Louboutin often attract women. At the time of economic crisis, nobody wants to spend a lot of ghd money on luxuries. We still can get the shoes we want without spending much. Just shopping online, we can get the shoes with discount prices. To buy cheap Christian Louboutin, you can choose some reliable online shoes suppliers. Christian Louboutin shoes make every woman elegant and graceful. In fashion industry buy wow gold Christian Louboutin is synonymous with high fashion and quality. What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the name Christian Louboutin Christian Louboutin shoes are designed for women who crave for fashion. Whether you want to find trend shoes out for dating or shoes for holiday, Christian Louboutin shoes can satisfy you. From online shops Discount UGGS you will find a huge collection of Christian Louboutin shoes to complement your outfit; everything from darling little slip on flats in Christian Louboutin’s fabulous Tattoo design with the Christian Louboutin name prominently displayed on the toe to the extremely classy. No matter what style you are NHL jerseys looking for, you will easily find your Christian Louboutins at a discount price to fit your budget. If you are a Christian Louboutin boots lover, you can be totally satisfied, too.never fails in giving us unique shoe designs. His creations venture from the most ed hardy belts sophisticated to the most odd and from feminine to rocker-chic. Obviously, this Christian Louboutin Very Prive Peep-Toe Pump falls under the rockerchic category.It looks very interesting, But anyway, having this pump would surely start a conversation and would surely draw a lot of eyes.
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| truhtruy 11:11:45 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
jjppyu 发表:13 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/12 | | 发表时间:2010/3/12 | <标题>一个大学生论文答辩后的致谢辞 ------------------------------------------------------ |
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