dssunly 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/20 | | 发表时间:2010/3/20 | <标题>销售管理的过程 ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要:销售管理的过程 ......
销售管理的过程 在明确了什么是销售管理之后,销售管理的过程大致如下: 1.制定销售计划及相应的销售策略 2.建立销售组织并对销售人员进行培训 3.制定销售人员的个 开水器人销售指标,将销售计划转化为销售业绩 4.对销售计划的成效及销售人员的工作表现进行评估 销售策略和计划 企业在确定了营销策略计划之后,销售部门便需要据此制定具体细致的销售计划,以便开展、执行企业的销售任务, 混合机以达到企业的销售目标。销售部必须清楚地了解企业的经营目标、产品的目标市场和目标客户,对这些问题有了清晰的了解之后,才能够制定出切实而有效的销售策略和计划。 在制定营销策略的时候,必须考虑市场的经营环境、行业的竞争状况、企业本身的实力和可分配的资源状况、产品所处的生命周期等各项因素。在企业制定的市场营销策略的基础上,销售部制定相应的销售策略和战术。 根据预测的销售目标及销售费用, 注册商标销售部必须决定销售组织的规模。销售人员的工作安排、培训安排、销售区域的划分及人员的编排、销售人员的工作评估及报酬都是销售部在制定销售计划时所必须考虑的问题。 销售计划必须包括销售人员的工作任务安排。每一个地区的销售工作都必须安排具体的人员负责。销售计划必须要做到具体和量化,要能够明确定出每一个地区或者每一个销售人员需要完成的销售指标。 销售组织 销售部需要研究并确定如何组建销售组织架构,确定销售部门的人员数量,销售经费的预算,销售人员的招聘办法和资历要求。 在销售计划的制定和执行的过程中,如何组织销售部门,如何划分销售地区,如何组建销售队伍和安排销售人员的工作任务是 销售管理一项非常重要的工作。销售部需要根据目标销售量、销售区域的大小、销售代理及销售分支机构的设置情况、销售人员的素质水平等因素进行评估,以便确定销售组织的规模和销售分支机构的设置。 销售业绩管理 销售工作,或者说销售人员与目标客户进行接触的最终目的,是为了出售产品及维持与客户的关系,从而为企业带来销售业务及利润。 销售人员的销售业绩, 加湿器一般以销售人员所销售出的产品数量或销售金额来衡量。此外,销售人员所销售出的产品的利润贡献,是衡量销售人员销售业绩的另一个标准。而对于一些需要重复购买产品的客户,销售人员要维持与这类客户的关系。维持与客户的业务关系的能力及对客户的售后服务质量也是一个重要的考核因素。 销售部需要按照销售计划去执行各项销售工作,要紧密的跟进和监督各个销售地区的销售工作进展情况,要经常检查每一个地区,每一个销售人员的销售任务完成情况。发现问题立刻进行了解及处理,指导、协助销售人员处理在工作中可能遇到的困难,帮助销售人员完成销售任务。 混合机销售部需要为销售人员的工作提供各种资源,支持和激励每一个销售人员去完成他们的销售指标。 工作表现及评估 销售人员的工作表现评估是一项重要的工作,销售部必须确保既定的工作计划及销售目标能够完成,需要有系统地监督和评估计划及目标的完成情况。销售人员的工作表现评估一般包括检查每一个销售人员的销售业绩,这当中包括产品的销售数量,完成销售指标的情况和进度,对客户的拜访次数等各项工作。对销售人员的销售业绩的管理及评估必须定期的进行,对评估的事项必须订立明确的准则, 翻译公司使销售人员能够有规可循。而评估的结果,必须对销售人员进行反馈,已使他们知道自己做的不够的地方,从而对工作的缺点作出改善。 工作评估最重要的不仅在于检查销售人员工作指标的完成情况和销售业绩,更重要的是要检讨销售策略和计划的成效,从中总结出成功或失败的经验。成功的经验和事例应该向其他销售人员进行推广,找出的失败原因也应该让其他人作为借鉴。对销售业绩好的销售人员应当给予适当奖励,以促使他们更加努力地做好工作,对销售业绩差的销售人员,应当向他们指出应该改善的地方,并限时予以改善。 根据销售人员的工作表现情况和业绩评估的结果,销售部需要对公司的市场营销策略及销售策略进行检讨,发现需要进行改善的地方,应该对原制定的策略和计划进行修订。与此同时,也应该对公司的销售组织机构和销售人员的培训及督导安排进行检讨并加以改善,以提高销售人员的工作水平,增强销售工作的效率。
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| dssunly 9:11:03 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
dssunly 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/20 | | 发表时间:2010/3/20 | <标题>purchase caps from all the Ed Hardy outlets ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要:purchase caps fr......
purchase caps from all the Ed Hardy outletsYou will get to purchase these ed hardy caps from all the Ed Hardy outlets. Men of all ages are in love with these caps, for they look quite sporty and stylish. You can add style in your casual look, by only wearing any of your favorite Ed Hardy caps. They To many people Christian Louboutin is a symbol of status and class.are available in different colors. More and more people want to keep on adding these caps in their caps collection, fir it adds value to the highest level. You can wear them on Take care of you new ed hardy jeans.casual basis.Shopping gives great pleasure UGGS saleto great many people in the world. It helps you cheer up when you are feeling depressed. Keeping the psychological aspect aside shopping itself Over the next two decades Nike would carry on a line of Jordan shoes in various styles, World of Warcraft Gold even after wholesale jordan shoes from pro basketball.is a great art as you have to know what exactly you want to buy and where to find them. Knowing what you want is not difficult but to find the places to find the best products needs some research. Both Ed hardy clothes and Abercrombie are exclusive in their style and presentation. These brands are renowned world over and some famous names are associated with these brands. Another important fact is that they appeal to the younger generation. wow gold kaufen Though both are manufactured in USA, they are available in many countries. Ed Hardy clothes collection has tattoo prints as its main theme while Abercrombie has casual outdoor clothe as its specialty. Abercrombie logo on their clothes is a mark of exclusivity. Ed Hardy clothes are designed by Christian Audigier which is inspired by tattoo art made famous by Don Ed Hardy from where the collection gets its name. Ed hardy is a famous tattoo artist in michael jordan shoes USA who blends American and Japanese styles. Incorporating the tattoos on clothing was a brilliant idea and Ed Hardy clothes became famous in 2004 as soon as they hit the stores.The hall mark of Ed Hardy clothes are the tattoos which are prominently displayed on the clothes,Juicy couture suit as a representative of taste and prestige to many man. be it a t-shirt or jeans or shorts or hoodies. Themes like swords and roses, snake, skull, ghost, tiger, dragon, etc. are printed in typical tattoo style on the front and sometimes chi flat iron at the back of the garment. Bright colors are used to present an unconventional hip hop look. They are funky, smart, and eye catching. Reasonably priced Ed Hardy clothes have apparels for men, women, and children. Accessories like shoes, caps, watch, bags etc. with legendary Ed Hardy tattoos are also available. If you are going to step of your homes for shopping or want to hangout with your friend, then these caps will be the perfect choice for you. You can impress others by wearing caps of different colors. Your friends will surely praise your taste and Ed Hardy caps will only do all this. These cheap edhardy is the better choice for those who are willing to pay less ed hardy sale for better goods.caps are being worn in all seasons. They will never look odd on you.All you have to do is to keep on searching for new and innovative styles of Ed Hardy caps, as this brand has been doing lots of experiments with the color schemes. The customers have been quite happy with the experiments for they have always been striking to their eyes. These caps are not all inexpensive,For now we have a variety of heated fleece jackets that would allow us to stay warm in winter or any cold climate for that matter. but they are quite expensive accessories, but when you will actually pay big bucks and will start wearing them, then you are going to feel happy, for you have invested in the best place. These caps will adorn collection in the most unique way.
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| dssunly 9:09:50 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
dssunly 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/20 | | 发表时间:2010/3/20 | <标题>Replica Soccer Jersey Fashion ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要:Replica Soccer J......
Replica Soccer Jersey FashionOwners should also measure wow gold their dog’s back, from the neck base to the base of the tail. Measurements around the neck will similarly determine sizing. So, the next time you grab your remote and view the big game in your official team jersey, consider letting your dog to chew a bone on the floor next to you, dressed in pet jerseys configured just for him. Football jerseys for dogs are a fun way for pet lovers to NHL Jerseysexpress support for your team and keep your pampered pets in duds that are certain to be the hit of the tailgate party! In recent years replica soccer jerseys have become more popular than ever. It was always fairly commonplace to see people wearing replicas of their favorite nba jerseys player’s jerseys, abercrombiebut now this phenomenon has achieved almost cult status and is seen as very fashionable. This trend has spread globally to almost every country, particularly amongst youth. There are in fact a huge variety of jerseys available owing to the sheer number of clubs, each of which has its cheap ed hardy own design. On top of this there are also player names and numbers that can go on the jersey, which further multiplies the number of different styles available. It is possible to go to sports stores which specialize in this product, yves saint laurentoffering a huge number of different team kits and player names and numbers from all over the world. It is easy to get a replica kit of Ronaldinho, or Thierry Henry, as the soccer jersey store has become a worldwide phenomenon. Purchasing a replica soccer jersey is best done two months before the start of the season when the brand new kits have just come out. This means that you can own the most up to date kit for the longest time possible, and also means you’ll be more likely to get exactly what you want. The styles are incredibly varied, with many having really dazzling color schemes. Such bold and authentic designs make for very fashionable clothing. Another benefit of the soccer jersey is that it is usually available in either short- or long-sleeved styles, ed hardy clothingmeaning that if you want one for the summer you can stay nice and cool, or you can have a long-sleeved one for the colder winter months. One of the biggest consumer sectors is, of course, the diehard wholesale mlb jerseys fans. These supporters want to let everyone know which team they support, and often also who their favorite player is. It has long been a practice of avid supporters to wear their favorite team’s kit. Another popular trend at the moment is for cheap jordan shoesretro soccer jerseys. These jerseys are replicas of popular kits from the past. These are often kits worn by World Cup winning teams, although they can also be club kits. A popular example of such a retro kit would be the Brazilian kit from Pele’s era. The bright green and yellow make for highly fashionable designs that are popular amongst both soccer players and those who simply like to look good.
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| dssunly 9:09:06 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
dssunly 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/20 | | 发表时间:2010/3/20 | <标题>Wool Blanket - A Warm Cover With a Long History ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要:Wool Blanket - A......
Wool Blanket - A Warm Cover With a Long HistoryThe wool blanket serves many purposes. buy wow goldIt will keep you warm, dry and comfortable. It also has quite an interesting history. These blankets, over the years, have been used as bedding, given as gifts and even used as a type of trade currency. The Native Americans made beautiful blankets, which were given as gifts for many different occasions throughout their lives. ghd Different tribes relied on different colors and designs for the pattern of their blankets. The designs made years ago are still thriving today because of their heritage and beauty. The blankets marked moments such as marriage, uggs for cheapthe birth of a child and even the death of a respected loved one. The wool blanket was even used to trade for goods such as food and jewelry. Different wools can be used for different things. The crimp or texture makes this a fiber that is easily spun together. The crimp also helps make a bulky fabric, which holds in air. That is the reason it is so warm. It has many properties that make it an ideal ed hardy beddingfiber for use in bedding, clothing and furnishings. One of those properties is that it is hypoallergenic. This means it is a good choice for a person prone to allergic reactions. A wool blanket also makes an ideal choice for bedding due abercrombie and fitch to its flame resistance. It takes a higher temperature to ignite the fiber than other materials such as cotton. The rate at which a flame spreads is also very low. This is something to take into consideration when thinking about fire safety in the home. You can find these blankets locally at a variety of stores. The best place, however, to look for one is online. You can find blankets of every shape, color and size on the Internet. You can also find blankets made by Native Americans if this is something that is important to you. The costs of the blankets will vary according to what you are looking for. Be sure to read any details stated so ed hardy shoesthat you know if any synthetic materials are used in the particular wool blanket you are looking at. Keep in mind that different wools feature different qualities. Merino is considered to be of the highest quality available on today's market. This particular fiber is extremely fine; Christian Louboutinmaking is a supreme choice for softness, absorbability and warmth. Merino is used to produce excellent quality blankets, as well as clothing, jackets, undergarments meant for warmth (such as 'long johns') and ultra cozy socks. Of course, other wools also make wonderful blankets. A high quality wool blanket can last a lifetime, so keep this in mind when shopping around. You may want to focus on not only the look, but also the quality. This item is well worth the small investment of money that you will make. Prices will range from tens of dollars to hundreds of dollars. You will be able to find many quality blankets in that price range. Remember, read the details, think about quality and finally yet importantly, enjoy your new covering! Wool blanket styles come in a wide variety. The wool blanket is a favorite among many people worldwide.
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| dssunly 9:08:26 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
dssunly 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/20 | | 发表时间:2010/3/20 | <标题>Nike shoes have various styles and colors ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要:Nike shoes have ......
Nike shoes have various styles and colorsNike shoes have various styles Christian Louboutin and colors. They can be worn by Many celebrities are caught in a trap of buying chaussures nike, which can make them become the spotlight at any place.professionals and daily walkers who like to make a fashion statement. You can easily find Nike stores in your area. The Nike swoosh logo has been considered as one of the most recognized company logos in the world now. This special logo was originally designed in 1971 by a student who studied graphic design at Portland State University. Cheap UGG Boots They paid the girl only $35 for the fabulous design but some sources also say that Phil Knight, the co-founder of Nike, later gave her a diamond ring engraved with the logo she designed as well as an unknown amount of Nike stock. Cheap wow goldIt is interesting Our company has been producing green Yves Saint Laurent shoes for many years, so we can satisfy your any needs.that Knight was not very impressed with her work the first time, like what he said, “I don’t love it, but it will grow on me.” Today, there have been more than 30,000 people employed by Nike around the world. Nike also provides other sports gear besides shoes. The company is under some scrutiny recently for the issues concerned with human rights and poor working environment. Official statistic shows that only in 2008, Nike has made a net income of approximate $1.9 billion dollars. Well UGG has expanded this particular boot even further with the Bailey Button Bomber Boot.I feel so excited nflwhen I get the news of cheap ugg, because they are so perfect. These boots have a little more of an edge being styled after the hip classic bomber jacket, so whether its a short flight in your prop plane or a ride along the highway you will be in style with the Bailey Button Bomber Boot. Classic Short Fancy Boot: ugg short bootsIt is time to do away with the drab colors of fall and winter and look to add a little flair to your UGG collection this spring. The Classic Short Fancy Boot retains all of the highest quality There are ways to get nike shox shoes,if you care enough for the living, make a little space, make a better choice. materials and comfort of the Original Classic Short Boot but adds style with a choice ed hardy shirts of the colors Chestnut Marbled or Light Grey Marbled. The “fancy” in the Fancy Boot comes from the fact that the UGG logo print completely covers the boot in a metallic like shine. Classic Tall Fancy Boot: Just like the Classic Short Fancy Boot, the Classic Tall Fancy Boot turns in the plainness of the winter season and looks forward to the You can buy Supra shoes online at affordable price.warm weather with a fashionable twist. The Chestnut Marbled and the Light Grey Marbled are identical to the Classic Short Fancy boot with the UGG logo print abercrombie outlet completely covering Many young people are likely to buy things on ugg boots, it became a fashion.the boot with a metallic sheen, but the Classic Tall Fancy comes in another option that It’s warm and beautiful to wear Jordan shoes in winter.will sure to be a favorite amongst anyone with a tropical sensibility. The Tropical Palm option has a print of tropical flowers and leaves all over the boot with a metallic outlining. These boots are perfect for vacationing at your favorite destination or at your local beach for a bonfire.
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| dssunly 9:07:43 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
dssunly 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/20 | | 发表时间:2010/3/20 | <标题>Warcraft Millionaire Let the Fun Begin ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要:Warcraft Million......
Warcraft Millionaire Let the Fun BeginI hate grinding. cheap ugg bootsWhat a great way to start my review of Warcraft Millionaire by Brad Johnson. If your are like me and I assume most people are(that’s why we are poor when it comes to WoW gold) you hate grinding. Of course as much as I hate grinding I love seeing 1000+ Gold on my titan panel when I sign in. Now image how it feels when I sign in and see 23,000+. I am a very competitive person, and so when I learned that there were guides out on the net on how to make massive wow goldamounts of gold I had to take a peak. Doing a basic google search I found quite a few different options all promising around the same thing. Gold and lots of it. I personally have bought and used almost all of the World of Warcraft Gold UGG Boots SaleGuides out on the market today. I find that no one guide is PERFECT but when combined all of the guides give you another piece of the puzzle and or a second insight into a general concept. What Warcraft Millionaire brings to the table is one of my favorite and most used guides. The auction house guide. cheap wow goldThis is by far the easiest most laziest way to make gold in WoW, and I find it TONS of fun. Nothing like buying an epic BOE for a 5g bid price and reselling it for its real 1000g price. (Most people by now are thinking that’s Ed Hardya one in a million shot, but it really isn’t when you learn the way to look for things like this). Personally I went from 5g to 1000g in one day of just doing normal “auction house farming”. No matter your play style this guide will help you to make a lot of gold along the way. Oh and I guess I might mention that Brad is the first person EVER in WoW to make 1,000,000g. That’s one million by the way, and that’s just insane. christian louboutin shoes I personally cant wait till the release of Wrath of the Lich King when I know Brad will provide me with his inside tips on what to save now to sell for a fortune in the new expansion. The input design is the link that ties the information system into the user’s world. Input specifications describe the manner in which data enters the system for processing. Input design features can ensure the reliability of the system and produce results from accurate data, or they can result in the production of erroneous information. ed hardy shoesInput Design consists of developing specifications and procedures for data preparation Steps necessary to put data into a usable form for processing. Data entry, the activity of putting data into the computer processing for WoW gold making tips. Input Performa were designed, after a careful discussion with users. It was attempted to cover all user requirements. Designed Performa were given to user for any suggestion and final approval.
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| dssunly 9:06:39 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
dssunly 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/20 | | 发表时间:2010/3/20 | <标题>Nike shoes shopping trends ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要:Nike shoes shopp......
Nike shoes shopping trendsLast time we She wore a pair christian audigier of CHEAP JORDANS when I Saw her last Sunday.talked about an outstanding features in “air in Nike”, and I think you perhaps have a general idea what on earth this feature is, the principles it runs and its popularity as well. The time it came out brings about a revolutionary Nike shoes shopping tide. Nike air as the first technology jordan shoesdeveloped by Nike remains its powerful impact. The four main series of Nike shoes applied with the advanced technology are the listed below: Air Max Air max is one of the most famous and well-received Nike shoes series, and it also is the first Nike shoes which applied with air cushion. Strongly encapsulate the gas into the tough synthetic rubber, buy wow goldand formed varies air chamber like: 5psi, 10psi, 20psi and 25psi which enhanced the shock absorption performance of the shoes. Usually, it is used in The classic short boots are designed specially for the girls who prefer to pursue fashion.the half and the heel part of the shoes. Air Total As its named, air total means that the whole shoes is fulfilled with cushion. And it is the upgraded version of air max. ed hardy swimwear Making up of several cushions of different pounds, it provides a more safe and comfortable protection and nfl jerseys are always in fashion.feeling. For those of you who want a cool casual shoe, If you want wo buy latest and authentic Chanel bags , we will offer you the best service, please contact us.then you need to really consider NFL Jerseysthe Nike Air Max Skyline SI. With a shoe like this you get footwear Wearing the Manolo Blahnik are not only comfortable, but also attractive.that everyone will want, because they are just so amazing. This article will take a quick look into the Skyline and some of the features that the shoe has. There Although she is very rich, she has never squandered her money in buying Luxury shoes such as cheap gucci louboutinshoes.are many casual sneakers available, however the Nike Air Max Skyline is considered by many to be in the top 10. This is a really comfortable shoe and it is designed specifically for everyday casual wear. It is a great sneaker and you will get a shoe that has the Air Max unit inside the heel of There are hundrends of thousands snow boot in the world.the shoe. This unit will be able to provide you with the cushioning that is needed to give to put your feet at ease when walking. Jordan has a lot of new sequence of sports shoes, new sports shoes in common is broad scope. We regularly see running shoes, Skateboard, etc., for men and women there both have a diversity of ensign, ugg boots saleLi Ning is the making of an honorable wares group in China, with China’s first sports clothing and footwear goal and development spotlight, from the durability aspects to the shape to have considerable leave, as the sell development in current existence, Air jordan shoes have been steadily mature, tasteful new shoes every year occupation of the sell, attracting each’s interest, in particular, to seam each year based on each athlete jordan to promote the achievements and launched a series of sports shoes, this brace of Jordan shoes is the most plead for air Jordan shoes lovers.
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| dssunly 9:05:10 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
sh2010 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/18 | | 发表时间:2010/3/18 | <标题>How many treatments are necessary for transitional ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要: ' It is no......
' It is not the case of a single naaldje and opvliegers are road. But after one treatment, you need to have in your mind thinking difference. For example, the first that women often is that they are less crowded.designer handbags Others are less affected by changes of mood or of nachtzweten, making them better sleep. Sometimes, after three or four treatments at the opvliegers road, and you'll be able to move forward with a maintenance treatment every few weeks to the energy balance in your body to repair. Another day, there are more treatments. But you need to do after each treatment progress. If you're after two or three times no results,GHD Styler you can stop it better. It may be that you are not in the correct acupuncturist or that your body responds to acupuncture. "
How do I know if I am against transitional acupuncture complaints can help?
"Is a matter of practice or acupuncture thought you might be interested. For example, If your friend does its transitional complaints has been put by acupuncture,replica handbags it does not mean that the same will to suit your needs. You are someone with a different energy. But in most cases you will not, in fact, with transitional complaints to leaves and can acupuncture help your departed. Take a look at just after three to four treatments as far as you. "
Where can I find an acupuncturist? Look for an acupuncturist in the Netherlands: the Association Zhong, the Dutch Medical Acupuncture Association (NAAV), or when the Dutch Association for Acupuncture (NVA), and in Belgium: Belgian Federation (BAF) Acupunctors or EUFOM. In most cases, on the Microsoft Web site to find an acupuncturist or in female complaints. The majority of zorgverzekeraars reimburse acupuncture in whole or in part, in a supplementary health insurance.
Sources Danielle Carter, acupuncturist for women, Zi Vocals. /Menopause, 2009, 16: 1065-1073. /Menopause, K.H. Kim and others,GHD Styler Gold 10 November 2009, published online ahead of print. /Journal of Clinical Oncology, Eleanor M. Walker and others, 28 December 2009, published online ahead of print.
Marjan Hopman. All rights reserved ?. Without the prior written permission of the author is not permitted for the purposes of this article, or any component thereof, disclose and/or reproduce (do).
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| sh2010 12:05:54 | 查看全文 | 回复(0)    |
sh2010 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/18 | | 发表时间:2010/3/18 | <标题>Why does acupuncture in transitional complaints? ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要:RESTORE YOUR ene......
RESTORE YOUR energy balance NAALDJES Opvliegers, mood changes, or a low libido? Acupuncture works are sometimes better for this transitional complaints hormone supplements or drugs.
Text: ? Marjan Hopman, nachtzweten 'Opvliegers,fake designer handbags fatigue and poor sleep, I had already more than two years really very much affected by this transitional complaints ", tells Christa. ' After one acupuncture treatment were practically the opvliegers road, I slept through the night, and was no longer each ' he, seated in the sweat of wake-up call. It was such a relief, love, I could not believe it! " Many women in the transition to find benefit from acupuncture. Acupuncture works sometimes better than hormone supplement transition complaints,GHD Precious Gift Set according to research. Women with breast cancer has more impact on acupuncture transitional complaints than the standard treatment with drugs (venlafaxine). Opvliegers, mood changes and a low libido decrease or disappear.
What is acupuncture actually exactly and how does it work with transitional complaints? We asked the Danielle Carter. It is acupuncturist for women and has specialized in the treatment of transitional complaints.
What results can expect women with transitional complaints of acupuncture?
Danielle Carter Acupuncturist: "entire fair: not all women benefit from acupuncture. In the case of very serious and long-term transitional complaints book, for example, I do not always result. But the vast majority of women are definitely by acupuncture complaints of their transition. Complaints as opvliegers,GHD Styler nachtzweten and poor sleep, reduce or eliminate. The libido is higher and vaginal droogheid can improve by as much as acupuncture, women are not necessarily a lubricant instead of having to use to sexual practices. Sometimes, the show regularly, or menstruation, which even back after a long time road. "
Why does acupuncture in transitional complaints?
'Overgangsklachten if the balance is disturbed between Yin, the cool female energy, and Yang, the hot male energy. Yin and Yang, you can also translate into hormones. By declining estrogen production in the transition, you will get a shortage of Yin and creates a relative heat in the body: opvliegers and sweats. With acupuncture, we seek this shortage of Yin to supplement Yang and reduce by certain nerve ends with naaldjes. As a result are signals to the brain. The brain response to deliver by hormones that the energy balance in the body. "
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sh2010 发表:11 回复:0 注册时间: 2010/3/18 | | 发表时间:2010/3/18 | <标题>What I want it? ------------------------------------------------------ |
摘要:What I want it?Y......
What I want it? You'll get affected by sudden and intense its scrap.designer handbags For example, there are suddenly much more hair than normal in the well of the shower, or you are afraid of the number of hair that comes up in your brush.
What telogeen effluvium? Telogeen effluvium is a natural reaction of your body to a form of stress.GHD Benefit Thus, at the same time, the more its telogene phase or rustfase than the normal 10 percent, and you will lose more than the normal number of 50 to 100 root hairs per day.
What can I do against telogeen effluvium? When you determine the cause or trigger of telogeen effluvium, your hair in three to nine months will return to normal. When, however, does not have the right diagnosis, it may be chronic its loss. To find the cause, you will need to determine what is approximately three months before the hair loss has started, has been changed.purses and handbags Because as long as it takes before you respond with failure.
These are the possible causes of sudden its scrap by telogeen effluvium: ● Childbirth during pregnancy often get a thick forest, because the majority of her hair longer growing remains high estrogen levels. But if, after the birth the estrogen levels fall again, much of it at the same time, in the rustfase and it is now. Antonella Croque-monsieur Dermatoloog: "her loss begins often two to four months after childbirth. Usually stops after a six-month period, it is obvious, but it can sometimes take up to one year. "
● The pill: stop or start when you stop the pill, you will be able, like after childbirth, by the decrease in estrogen levels burden of its loss. But when you start the pill, or any other form of hormonal contraception, after three to five months its scrap.GHD Styler Mini This happens often when the pill a progestagen contains many androgenic properties. The solution: use contraception with a progestagen with little androgenic properties.
● Hormone supplement in the transition, Some progestagenen in hormone supplements have a lot of androgenic properties, and can therefore cause its scrap. Antonella Toast: ' it is therefore important hormone supplement with a progestagen that no androgenic properties. "
● Medicines have Many medicines if possible update its scrap, including blood thinners, cholesterolverlagers and antidepressiva.
● Iron shortage Iron deficiency is a common cause of its failure. With a simple blood JABs, the medical practitioner to determine whether you have iron deficiency. Antonella Croque-monsieur Dermatoloog: "a ferritinewaarde of 10-15 ng/ml is generally considered as being normal. But I would recommend to its loss at ferritinespiegels under 30 ng/ml of iron supplements, until a concentration of 70 ng/ml is reached. "
● Thyroid derogation is both a slow thyroid as a functioning thyroid too quickly can cause its loss. Meds (at a slow rate of thyroid levothyroxine tablets, and being active thyroid often carbimazole), a thyroid deviation can be easily dealt with.
● Stress Tensions can temporary dilution of its cause and to create genetically her loss worse.
● Too fast weight loss by following a crash diet, you'll be able to get its scrap, but even after a gastric bypass, gastric reduction ().
● Other causes 'Haaruitval can also be exacerbated by over-exposure to the Sun, smoking, a serious infection and high fever ", and he tells dermatoloog Antonella Toast. Our opinion: for weeks at a time, "she continues to fail, please go to the doctor."
Sources Antonella Toast, dermatoloog, University of Bologna, Italy. /Minerva Ginecologica, 2009, 61: 445-452. /Dermatology, 2009, 219: 105-110. /Dutch Association for Dermatology and Vénéréologie (NVDV). /American Hair Loss Association. /Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 2004, 50: 541-53. /Clinical Intervention in Aging, 2007, 2: 189-99. /Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, 2009, 28: 19-32.
Marjan Hopman. All rights reserved ?. Without the prior written permission of the author is not permitted for the purposes of this article, or any component thereof, disclose and/or reproduce (do).
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